
beats by dre studio ss memory-am I exact

, You are like at the age of 17 of I."The other party ignores his to resist, selfish way.
"E?"The youth is one Leng, immediately once again wry smile, " yes, I am 17-year-old you, not, I basically don't know is how old you.I have 6-17-year-old memory, a little bit more 33-year-old memory, also have 1,000 years sparse inside careless memory-am I exactly how old?"
"No matter is how old, you also have already hope, tied down, and I what also have no.Ever, I thought that I could win destiny and resisted a world and guarded residence to contain my person of value with my this hands, result-"
Almost die Ji of silent keep on a burst of.
"Rise and fall honor versus dishonor, gratitude and grudge feeling enemy, I once experienced everything."The mirror copies a smile, don't take the smile of smiling the idea, " Xiao boon, I am getting more tired."
Two go radiant liquid along the cheek rolls to fall, the youth lowers the head and sobs to make a noise.See this act, the verdant and luxuriant Mou moved to move:"Tears ……did not flow for a long time.To, the elder sister didn't forbid my sheding tears, but I want to cry to also cry not to come out."
"Tears can mollify to distress, can not cure of."
"At least compare could not cry good."
The youth horizontal arm wipes tears, about to speak what, the space is suddenly violent to flutter, the ground crack continuously rings out, astounded, the other party seems to be already to know reason and hurtles to come up, but at next drive block return to, youth this just discover 2 people's partition together transparent Zhang wall.
"Xiao boon, he came!"Lie prone on the wall noodles, the facial appearance first time for looking exactly alike presents strain, " guards his/her own heart, never be gobbled up by him!"
"Talk what easy, I will forget on waking up in everything that here take place, and I connect my heart where all ……"
"Your heart is your current companion!Forbid perplexed forbid hesitant!"The other party scathing tunnel.The youth almost urgently cries:"Even if you say so ……I who wake up also can't hear!"
The Mou sub- flash across of the amber the Qi is unique, that is the regret that is become by the bloody precept Ning.
"That remembers my words-some mistakes, can not make, either at a time!"
[Is a bit false, can not make, either at a time,beats by dre studio!]
Start to sit in seat of honor from the bed, breather very long, the voice of muffled thunder sort still doesn't live to resound in the ear.
"……Dream?"The rake combs sweat wet fringe of hair, the Xiao boon shook to shake a muddled head, " astral body originally will also dream."
The response is gradually weak, accompany with downplayed prospects, only engrave an osseous Ai pain to remain in the body.The Xiao boon accustoms to a ground of wreath tight knee and calm down to need this emotion past.However, the tonight doesn't know what is the row and waited along while to also quell not to come down, also more and more hard bear.
Start to leave cabin building, he walks deck.
The icy cold night breeze lets the brain wide awake a lot, same chest of piercing fresher clear, the right hand of youth unconsciously fondles neck and goes back and forth in the neighborhood of carotid artery, a moment will soon press, after death spread hello:"Xiao boon could not sleep?"
He shook an earthquake and turned an extrusion smiling face.
"Doing not stroll is too long, captain tomorrow affirm and throw are a lot of to live for you."The good heart ground finishes giving repeated advice to, it's the sailor of on duty's turn to climb the watch-tower and the colleague to change shifts of duty.The Xiao boon urged tone and eyed right hand, heart way:Choking again is deathless, choke what choke.
Isn't him from love, if a person with a little bit slender nerve be placed in his circumstance like this, early Be getting more crazy.
But he also non- wood stone.
Shake to sway to walk on the deck, the Xiao boon feels the puppet that oneself is like a puppet, broke line.Constituting is linear of memory all 708 fall, can not find a head, entwine him, let him be fond of Mang to have no depend on, could not see in the past and could not see either future.
Even if there is the person to want to guard, status like this, mood like this, how guard again?The evidence is:He now nearby leave two companions.
Always want to commit suicide, also want to commit suicide while fighting, so weak in character of oneself, will make everyone run into danger.
Be suffused with to come up from the emotion tidewater sort being disgusted with, almost drown he.
Unwillingly support a ship head, the Xiao boon leans against gunwale and looks down own reflection on water.
Illusion?That face, seem is sneering at oneself?
Yes ……is the self-ridicule, so the guy of half bucket water.Is to don't think recollection first, the person who want well and cherish nearby;After knowing the true identity of the gram of Suo shell, and then start to love dearly to pass by, make a firm decision and resume memory.
And at present, make track for not to return in the past, and guard oneself of staying now not, even the direction also has no.
The Xiao boon covers up face curved in the arm in, the shoulder is tiny**.
The reflection on water on the surface has no voice to sneer at.

The blackness that chapter 6 coagulates

Create the month of 1038 of a life time Li fog the east city Yi Wei Er for 10 days the boundary palace in Lun-
Along with the pure liquid infusion white porcelain cup, curling up in the air white smoke proliferation open, big absolute being officer's two hands hold a cup to pass to the main gentleman in table.
"Thank."Even if is browsing intelligence report, Luo's orchid isn't a disrespectful looks either.Very long, he closes a report, the look in the eyes is dignified.
"Trust, adult, general they just temporarily defeat, can't make the pirate unrestrained too long."Is the confident of Luo's orchid, the method benefit boon tidied up these documents first, then present to hand over up naturally.
"BE pull a gram of western silk."
"Thank the Er reaches of the leftover evil don't have this kind of ability."The Luo orchid hands hand over to fold to support a lower jaw, the brains quickly revolves, " doesn't know that she is horse in person, be still ……H'm, she should be unlikely so light-minded."
The method benefit boon calms down, way:"Forgive me to keep speech, adult, with her personality and the style, very probably."
"Wu."Luo's orchid declines to comment, " in fine, the worst plan is also her end to blend in person.Ha ha, if is so, Ma Er Ya Mu had suffering to eat."
"Do not you send a soldier to increase to aid?"The method benefit boon ate a surprised.
"Now still not by that time.Besides, Ma Er Ya Mu combines to be different from outward appearance so deal with, pull a gram of western silk if small lo he, suffering a los will be herself."The Luo orchid has much of confidence to the friend.The method benefit boon inconvenience answers criticism and walk to the window side check pigeon cage, at the right moment a carrier pigeon is flown into.He dismantles tube-shaped container and transmits to the lord gentleman.
Finish seeing an airtight report, Luo's orchid once in a very long while not language.
From the smallest facial expression variety, the method benefit boon sees an other party is making it lively for and can not help curiosity big rise.
"Method benefit boon, have wine, I want go the teacher is there."
"BE."Immediately the heart of big absolute being officer knows that the belly is clear.
Once wore the flower farmland of big slice of lavender, Luo's orchid direct from the window climbs into a bedroom and briefly tidies up for a while and heads for opposite salon and sees the scene of pure indoor, the Leng is at the door.
The Pa west Si side towards him to hang to sit on the half empty, beat the silver of growing up the plait hair calm but move;Also the full-length gown of snow color tiny drum concusses;Around he, the ray of light of the mercury color forms spheroid of sorcery, often change the Huan wear sign text and pattern;Numerous blue simply ordering to fly into his body at the same time tees off more white light ball, spread to become repeatedly black spirit, be knotted boundary wall absorption, spout to project a green incise each other only order, continue to integrate into the body of the youth, thus repeatedly and again and again, the landscape is magnificent but demon difference.
Luo's orchid didn't go in, although he isn't a Shu private, also know doctrine private, Shi Fa, can not bother, and Pa west Si certain cloth defense magic trick.
Knot boundary to strain several bottoms not and in a short while, all lights toghter disappear.The silver hair youth falls ground once up, pass surprised vision:" Ah, Luo's orchid, early today of."
"Teacher."The east city castellan lightly sighs, " you should ast least close a door."
"Anne, isn't your this kind of level, basically could not see me at stem what-quickly quick, take wine."Pa west the Si jump to sit to in the chair, act agile must be like the person whom has no weight.The Luo orchid walks up according to speech:"What are you doing?"
"Carry on dead to work properly fusion, quickly successful."
"?"Luo the orchid a head of fog water ground Chou wears him.Pa west the Si in summary explain:"The common run of people even if the academic association dies Related articles:

